Posts in Corporate
Are you ready for Christmas 2021?

Hello my superstars,

How are you?

Random question but does some song start playing in your head when you think of Christmas? For some reason, the song- ‘Driving home for Christmas’ by Chris Rea starts playing in my head as soon as I think of Christmas! What is your song?

Sorry, I digressed there but anyway the reason why I have popped along here is to share with you our lovely Christmas programmes with you. I am honestly super excited about these activities we have created because we have put in a lot of hard work, thought and creativity into this and we can’t wait to actually run these activities over the next few weeks for our clients! It is going to be EPIC!

But our Programme guide is not the only thing I am sharing here…we have also put together an INFORMATION GUIDE to help you plan and deliver your Christmas Celebrations if you were to choose to do it by yourselves! (how could you!;-p)

See below a few quick suggestions to help you to get started with your Christmas team event planning-

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Minoti Parikh, Founder of TPL experiences based in Leeds will be given a spell in the limelight as part of this year’s Small Biz 100, a national campaign highlighting some of the UK’s most inspiring small businesses.

Marking 100 days building up to Small Business Saturday on 5 December 2020, the Small Biz 100 provides a major profile boost to small businesses across the UK, particularly at this challenging time.

Showcasing a daily celebration of the Small Biz 100 through social media, the campaign aims to support and celebrate a vibrant range of small, community driven businesses across the UK.

TPL Experiences is an award winning company that helps individuals feel confident, motivated and productive in their workplace through team building, wellbeing and people skills training programmes. They have a successful global track record in creating bespoke programmes for over 100 organisations with teams of 5 to up to 500.

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It's raining Podcasts!!

Through lockdown, I have managed to feature in not one, not two but three amazing podcasts! And you know the best part of it all? I have met three amazing and brilliant women through this experience. Each on their own path to achieve their goals, to follow their purpose and shine brighter! I absolutely LOVE the opportunities that spark of thanks to social media (I have a love/hate relationship with it!, will explain some other time)

I would highly recommend tuning in to all the episodes (not because it features me but hey that is a great reason too!) but because it is packed with lovely and useful insights about business, pivoting, confidence and self care! All topics that are very dear to me :)

Have a listen in-

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